Pages: 488,
Specialties: Anesthesiology, UK – FRCA,
Publisher: Cambridge,
Publication Year: 2018,
Cover: Paperback,
Dimensions: 155.96×233.93mm
Written for anaesthesia trainees, this comprehensive text covers all the MCQ preparation required for both the Primary and Final FRCA exams. Broken down into five sections, there are 150 questions for each of the physics, pharmacology, anatomy, and physiology sections, and a fifth section of 400 questions covering clinical anaesthesia. The first four sections of 150 questions match the Primary exam and are laid out to follow its format. The fifth clinical section covers the entire clinical syllabus. The authors are educators in anaesthesia and surgery and their wealth of experience has been brought together in this text to benefit the next generation of anaesthetists. Covering the entire syllabus, with 1,000 expertly distributed questions, this is the most comprehensive text available for MCQ preparation for both parts of the FRCA. show more
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