Pages: 204,
Specialty: Nursing,
Publisher: F.A. Davis EuroSpan,
Publication Year: 2010,
Cover: Spiral bound,
Dimensions: 88.9×149.86×22.86mm

A Davis’ notes book! This pocket-size rapid reference is sure to become your number 1 pediatric resource. It presents all of the information needed to deliver safe, effective care for children based on their age, size, developmental level, and unique pathologies. It features: comprehensive growth and development review with expected behaviors and skills for each age/developmental level; a comprehensive review of growth and development with expected behaviors and skills at each age/developmental level; a summary of the most frequently encountered pediatric pathologies, assessments, treatments, and nursing care; and, coverage of 43 skills, including equipment size, when appropriate. It is the only pediatric pocket guide reference to include: comprehensive coverage of play therapy ideas and infant formula, as well as a resource list; a section devoted to mnemonics to make it easier to memorize important assessment and care information; and, evidence-based practice tips for almost all pathologies and more